
  1. Archaeology, Cultural Management and Authority: The Case of Amphipolis (in Greek), 26 February 2015, Open University of Cyprus, Studies in Hellenic Culture
  2. “Ask No Questions, Hear No Lies”: Investigating Public Perceptions of the Past, Heritage and Archaeology in Greece, Public Archaeology: Theoretical Considerations and Current Practice in Turkey, 30 - 31 October 2014, British Institute at Ankara, Istanbul, Turkey.
  3. Public Perceptions of the Past, Heritage and Archaeology, and Archaeological Management: A Case Study from Greece, 20th European Association of Archaeologists Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey.
  4. Cultural Heritage Management and Public Archaeology (in Greek: Διαχείριση Πολιτιστικής Κληρονομιάς και Δημόσια Αρχαιολογία) at the introductory meeting of the Association of Heritage Management Consultants (ενημερωτικό συνέδριο Εταιρείας Συμβούλων Διαχείρισης Πολιτιστικής Κληρονομιάς - ΕΣΔΙΑΠΟΚ), Athens
  5. Theories and Methods for the Investigation of the Role of Archaeology in Local Communities: Three Cases from Greece. 35th Annual Conference of the Theoretical Archaeology Group – TAG-on-Sea 2013, 16 - 18 December 2013, Bournemouth University, UK.
  6. It really isn’t easy to get results from…surveys. In fact, it’s hard work, and requires commitment! A field case from Greece. Postgraduate Seminar on Research Methods, Institute of Archaeology, UCL, October 2013, November 2011 and October 2010.
  7. Le site archéologique de Philippes : candidat à l’inscription sur la liste du patrimoine mondial. Espaces et territoires des colonies romaines d’Orient, 3 October 2013, Université de Franche-Comté, Institut des Sciences et des Techniques de l’ Antiquité, Besançon, France (with D. Malamidou and I. Stamou).
  8. Contemporary Greeks’ Views of the Past, Antiquity and Archaeology. Encountering the Past, Telling the Present in EU Greece, Yale - National University of Singapore (NUS) College Study Trip to Greece, 26 September – 3 October 2013.
  9. Archaeology as Power or ‘the Way We Believe We Serve Better Antiquities’ Protection and Archaeology’. 19th EAA Annual Meeting, 4 – 8 September 2013, Pilsen, Czech Republic.
  10. Archaeology for the People? The Role of Archaeology in Local Communities in Greece. Center for Arts and Cultural Policy Studies Lecture Series, 8 May 2013, Princeton University.
  11. On Public Archaeology. Archaeology and Pedagogy Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies Workshop, 12 April 2013, Princeton University.
  12. National Versus Local and the Lost Potential for Archaeology’s Socio-Political Role in Greece. 7th World Archaeological Congress, 14 - 18 January 2013, Dead Sea, Jordan.
  13. Public Perceptions of Archaeology and the Past in Local Communities in Greece: Some Insights. Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies Lecture Series, 2 October 2012, Princeton University.
  14. Heritage Management – For Whose Sake? Public Archaeology as a New Approach to Meeting Challenges and Building Synergies. From Past Experiences to New Approaches and Synergies: The Future of Protection Management for Archaeological Heritage in Times of Economic Crisis, ICOMOS Hellenic and ICAHM Regional Conference, 24 - 26 May 2012, Athens, Greece.
  15. The REWARD Project: Researchers Using Existing Workflows to Archive Research Data. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, 26 - 30 March 2012, University of Southampton, UK (with B. Hole).
  16. The REWARD project and Researchers’ Use of Existing Workflows to Archive Research Data. Department of Librarianship, 8 March 2011, Alexandreion Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece.
  17. The REWARD Project: Researchers Using Existing Workflows to Archive Research Data. Meeting Disciplinary Challenges in Research Data Management Planning Workshop, JISC – Managing Research Data Programme 2011-13, 23 March 2012, London, UK (with B. Hole).
  18. Sharing Archaeological Data. 2nd REWARD Workshop, 15 March 2012, Institute of Archaeology, UCL, UK.
  19. How to Get the Most out of your Data and Why it Matters. 1st REWARD Workshop, 18 November 2011, Institute of Archaeology, UCL, UK.
  20. The Role of Management Plans in Archaeological Management in Greece and the Case of the Phillipi Management Plan (in Greek). Philippi in UNESCO’s World Heritage List, 1 July 2011, Municipality of Kavala, Greece.
  21. State Archaeology and Community Involvement: Irreconcilable Concepts? The Case of Greece. Localising the Global, 19 April 2008, Institute of Archaeology, UCL, UK.
  22. Archaeology and Museums in the Nation Building Process in Greece. 4th NaMu - Making National Museums Workshop: Comparing - National Museums, Territories, Nation Building and Change, 18 - 20 February 2008, University of Linköping, Sweden.
  23. Community Archaeology: A Challenge to Any Young Scholar’s Future and, Quite Ambitiously, for the Future of Greek Archaeology. Threats to Archaeology: Its Importance, its Value, its Development, WAC Inter-congress, 20 - 27 May 2007, Kingston, Jamaica.
  24. State Archaeology and Community Involvement: Irreconcilable Concepts? The Case of Greece. Threats to Archaeology: Its Importance, its Value, its Development, WAC Inter-congress, 20 - 27 May 2007, Kingston, Jamaica.


  1. From Collective Art to Collective Memory: The Methodological Predicament of Digitizing Traditional Culture (in Greek with English abstract). Digital Heritage in the New Knowledge Environment: Shared Spaces and Open Paths to Cultural Content, International Conference, 30 October – 2 November 2008, Hellenic Ministry of Culture, Athens, Greece.
  2. Archaeology for the People? Greek Archaeology and its Public, if There Is One: An Analysis of the Socio-Political and Economic Role of Archaeology in Greece from the Foundation of the Greek State (1831) up to the Present. 2nd NaMu - Making National Museums Workshop: National Museum Narratives, 18 - 20 June 2007, University of Leicester, UK.
  3. Digitization of Cultural Evidence: The Drawing up of Cultural Heritage From Obscurity to Exploitation (in Greek with English abstract). Technology for Cultural Heritage: Management, Education, Communication, 2nd International Conference of Museology, 28 June - 2 July 2004, Department of Cultural Technology and Communication, University of the Aegean, Mytilene, Lesvos, Greece.