- Archaeology, Cultural Management and Authority: The Case of Amphipolis (in Greek), 26 February 2015, Open University of Cyprus, Studies in Hellenic Culture
- “Ask No Questions, Hear No Lies”: Investigating Public Perceptions of the Past, Heritage and Archaeology in Greece, Public Archaeology: Theoretical Considerations and Current Practice in Turkey, 30 - 31 October 2014, British Institute at Ankara, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Public Perceptions of the Past, Heritage and Archaeology, and Archaeological Management: A Case Study from Greece, 20th European Association of Archaeologists Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Cultural Heritage Management and Public Archaeology (in Greek: Διαχείριση Πολιτιστικής Κληρονομιάς και Δημόσια Αρχαιολογία) at the introductory meeting of the Association of Heritage Management Consultants (ενημερωτικό συνέδριο Εταιρείας Συμβούλων Διαχείρισης Πολιτιστικής Κληρονομιάς - ΕΣΔΙΑΠΟΚ), Athens
- Theories and Methods for the Investigation of the Role of Archaeology in Local Communities: Three Cases from Greece. 35th Annual Conference of the Theoretical Archaeology Group – TAG-on-Sea 2013, 16 - 18 December 2013, Bournemouth University, UK.
- It really isn’t easy to get results from…surveys. In fact, it’s hard work, and requires commitment! A field case from Greece. Postgraduate Seminar on Research Methods, Institute of Archaeology, UCL, October 2013, November 2011 and October 2010.
- Le site archéologique de Philippes : candidat à l’inscription sur la liste du patrimoine mondial. Espaces et territoires des colonies romaines d’Orient, 3 October 2013, Université de Franche-Comté, Institut des Sciences et des Techniques de l’ Antiquité, Besançon, France (with D. Malamidou and I. Stamou).
- Contemporary Greeks’ Views of the Past, Antiquity and Archaeology. Encountering the Past, Telling the Present in EU Greece, Yale - National University of Singapore (NUS) College Study Trip to Greece, 26 September – 3 October 2013.
- Archaeology as Power or ‘the Way We Believe We Serve Better Antiquities’ Protection and Archaeology’. 19th EAA Annual Meeting, 4 – 8 September 2013, Pilsen, Czech Republic.
- Archaeology for the People? The Role of Archaeology in Local Communities in Greece. Center for Arts and Cultural Policy Studies Lecture Series, 8 May 2013, Princeton University.
- On Public Archaeology. Archaeology and Pedagogy Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies Workshop, 12 April 2013, Princeton University.
- National Versus Local and the Lost Potential for Archaeology’s Socio-Political Role in Greece. 7th World Archaeological Congress, 14 - 18 January 2013, Dead Sea, Jordan.
- Public Perceptions of Archaeology and the Past in Local Communities in Greece: Some Insights. Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies Lecture Series, 2 October 2012, Princeton University.
- Heritage Management – For Whose Sake? Public Archaeology as a New Approach to Meeting Challenges and Building Synergies. From Past Experiences to New Approaches and Synergies: The Future of Protection Management for Archaeological Heritage in Times of Economic Crisis, ICOMOS Hellenic and ICAHM Regional Conference, 24 - 26 May 2012, Athens, Greece.
- The REWARD Project: Researchers Using Existing Workflows to Archive Research Data. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, 26 - 30 March 2012, University of Southampton, UK (with B. Hole).
- The REWARD project and Researchers’ Use of Existing Workflows to Archive Research Data. Department of Librarianship, 8 March 2011, Alexandreion Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece.
- The REWARD Project: Researchers Using Existing Workflows to Archive Research Data. Meeting Disciplinary Challenges in Research Data Management Planning Workshop, JISC – Managing Research Data Programme 2011-13, 23 March 2012, London, UK (with B. Hole).
- Sharing Archaeological Data. 2nd REWARD Workshop, 15 March 2012, Institute of Archaeology, UCL, UK.
- How to Get the Most out of your Data and Why it Matters. 1st REWARD Workshop, 18 November 2011, Institute of Archaeology, UCL, UK.
- The Role of Management Plans in Archaeological Management in Greece and the Case of the Phillipi Management Plan (in Greek). Philippi in UNESCO’s World Heritage List, 1 July 2011, Municipality of Kavala, Greece.
- State Archaeology and Community Involvement: Irreconcilable Concepts? The Case of Greece. Localising the Global, 19 April 2008, Institute of Archaeology, UCL, UK.
- Archaeology and Museums in the Nation Building Process in Greece. 4th NaMu - Making National Museums Workshop: Comparing - National Museums, Territories, Nation Building and Change, 18 - 20 February 2008, University of Linköping, Sweden.
- Community Archaeology: A Challenge to Any Young Scholar’s Future and, Quite Ambitiously, for the Future of Greek Archaeology. Threats to Archaeology: Its Importance, its Value, its Development, WAC Inter-congress, 20 - 27 May 2007, Kingston, Jamaica.
- State Archaeology and Community Involvement: Irreconcilable Concepts? The Case of Greece. Threats to Archaeology: Its Importance, its Value, its Development, WAC Inter-congress, 20 - 27 May 2007, Kingston, Jamaica.
- From Collective Art to Collective Memory: The Methodological Predicament of Digitizing Traditional Culture (in Greek with English abstract). Digital Heritage in the New Knowledge Environment: Shared Spaces and Open Paths to Cultural Content, International Conference, 30 October – 2 November 2008, Hellenic Ministry of Culture, Athens, Greece.
- Archaeology for the People? Greek Archaeology and its Public, if There Is One: An Analysis of the Socio-Political and Economic Role of Archaeology in Greece from the Foundation of the Greek State (1831) up to the Present. 2nd NaMu - Making National Museums Workshop: National Museum Narratives, 18 - 20 June 2007, University of Leicester, UK.
- Digitization of Cultural Evidence: The Drawing up of Cultural Heritage From Obscurity to Exploitation (in Greek with English abstract). Technology for Cultural Heritage: Management, Education, Communication, 2nd International Conference of Museology, 28 June - 2 July 2004, Department of Cultural Technology and Communication, University of the Aegean, Mytilene, Lesvos, Greece.